I cant sleep. I cant eat. I cant think. I am being thrown from one emotional extreme to another.
The Ship leaves today.
Have I changed? Did I bathe? Did I feed the dog? Have I locked the doors? Did I close the windows?
The Ship leaves today. I can hear the siren.
It is so windy. Oh God, did I close that God Damn window. Why is every thing on the floor? Did I pick my clothes from the line? Why the dog is barking? It’s so late. Why the hell he has to bark at 2am in the night.
The Ship leaves today. The Ship’ll be gone, it will sail.
What do I have to do tomorrow? Oh Yes, I have to , I have to do the rest of my laundry and I will do the dishes too. I will pick all those outdated useless magazines from the book shelf and put them in store.
It will leave. Few more hours from now and It will leave, The Ship.
Its so much to do. I will, I will get another job. I should get another job. Keep myself busy, occupied, brain dead. May be I should start do painting again or or, calligraphy, I always wanted to do that. Yes I will do that and this door…it just why does not it close. Why Why….That just ! arrrgggg
The Ship, The Ship, The Ship

No !!!!! Did I close the gate? The dog? The window? Did I eat? I should sleep…I must ….I must. Some body, someone please help me. Please shut this for me. It won’t close. It isn’t closing. It just keeps on opening on its own and again and again. And this wind, why so windy at this time of the year. Why so fucking windy. Why this fuck won’t shut up. Everything, its all falling its crashing….ahhhh that storm. It won’t stop. Why it wont stop.
Will someone please do? Please shut these things up. They are deafening me. That noise. That God Damn Siren. Please please go away. Please take this Ship away from here, sail away please end this pain please do. Please go.
Ahhhh! These dogs ! God no, not again. Not again. Shut Up. Would you just shut up. The door, these curtains they, they are falling. Everything is crashing, its falling down on me, these windows they, they are controlling the wind. They are causing the storm…
The Ship , The Ship is gone………………………….
No !!!!! Don’t leave me. Don’t go I beg you don’t go. Stop the Ship. Will someone Stop the Ship ….No ….No !!!!!
The world is collapsing … Don’t go away. Please don’t! No….please someone stop the Ship !!! Nothing will exist without it.
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