Friday, 26 September 2014


Where have I lost you friend? Why I feel you are gone?
There must be a way to find you again, I am willing to be lost....

your world runs parallel to mine
headed to the same 'no where'
from the west and the east
does it mean anything to be on the opposites?
on the left or on the right of the sphere?
isn't 'no where' just the place where it all begins? and comes to end
like you and me
and our miseries...
yet all that we are, and all we will be
just a breathing drop of water
just a dieing grain of dust
existing between the three one three !

Thursday, 22 May 2014


Is it the sound of your beating heart? That I just heard
Or is it the moon light beating in the chest of night?
O’ breath of my life,
Come, fill my soul with your breath
I need to breathe
In another life I have known you,
I have known you more then my soul knows my body
In another time, I have been your shadow
Do you reckon me?

Is it just me or today the stars are shinning all so bright?
Since you graced the sky with your gaze
the moon follows my wandering heart through the night
in the streets of loneliness,
leading me to you, from you
Who I have always been?
Who I will be?
a fragment, a particle of your cosmic dust
floating in the divine, infinitely
My every search for you brought me to me
My every search for myself, brought me to you
You, my destination,

You, my journey. 

Thursday, 1 May 2014

The Joy of Pain

Sweet pains ring when tears rain, I drench in thoughts of you
My heart drowns and hits the bottom, my soul floats above
Strange waters of your love that drown yet let me breathe under
A state of existence, that sends life and death in wonder

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Moonlight (March 25)

The words I'm looking for, when lost in all consuming thoughts of you, tongue tied words! 

silence is my only speech yet waves roll and thunder inside my chest at the site of you 
all that is left of me is your reflection dancing on the waves of my soul... 

I'm a reflection of you, 

how can I contain you in me? 
I, an illusion and you the only reality.