Saturday, 28 April 2012


I have a million reasons to love you,
But not a word to tell you why...

If it were for your eyes so deep,
If it were for your voice so sweet,
I would know.
But when I look at you, all I see is your soul,
Staring back at mine
and the rest forgotten, vanished.

You spend your days in building palaces,
Digging gold and clearing streams,
Yet all I want from you is to lay with me,
Beneath the night sky and count the stars.
All I need is you for me; all I have is me for you.
I will give you all I have in me,
And I will try until I give you that too, what I might not have.
I will cross the oceans, walk the miles,
You say a word and I will make it happen,
I will take your pain; I will take your worries,
But I will never burden you with mine.

I want to spend my whole life and after,
sitting in your feet, staring at you, watching you talk,
My soul basks in the light of your thoughts.
I find myself, lose myself and find again
and I dont know if I am you or you are me!
Your words are food for my soul
In your presence, it grows
and in your absence, it withers, scatters away like a broken Rose.  

I kiss the floor where you step,
And I walk the path you might have strolled,
I see your face in every face
I hear your voice in every voice
Every time I have to take a name, I end up taking yours 
Every morning I wake up with your thoughts
Every night I close my eyes and find you standing there
And every single poem, every song, every word I write
I write for you !
Without your memories,
my pens are broken and my pages blank....

But still there are not enough ways for me to love you,
Love you, as much as I want to.
There are not enough words to say,
What I feel for you, in my every breath

All I have is a million reasons,
And not a word to tell you why. 

Friday, 27 April 2012


I found a hole dug in deep,
So I filled it up with trash and litter.
I covered its mouth with stones and rocks,
I warned the passersby not to fall.
I stopped the rain from pouring in,
I stopped the puddles from forming.
I filled it up, I filled it full,
So nothing can spread its roots,
and nothing can grow.
I stood by it, I watched over,
As rain fell, struggled and died around it
I closed its mouth and closed it tight,
I filled it up, I filled it well.
Yet somehow, the breeze was muddy,
Yet somehow, the ground still wet,
Even though I filled it up,
The hole, still deep,
The hole still open,
breathes hollow ... in my chest.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012


I stood amidst the silver trees and mountains lush and green
And sand white as snow, kissed my feet
I walked in the fields growing gold,
Beneath the crystal blue sky
And water emerald, sparkled like heavenly jewels
Angels sang the summer songs,
Whispering to the breeze
And brought with them the fragrance pure
Of roses, jasmine and lilies
I beheld the paradise yet my heart, ungrateful
For it knows the prettiest isn’t prettier than you
For it knows the purest isn’t purer than you
For it knows the sweetest voice doesn’t make it sing,  
For it knows heaven isn’t better than being with you
Amidst the silver trees, lush green mountains, emerald blues
I felt a desert in my chest,
I longed for you...

Thursday, 19 April 2012

The Tribal Girl

Stepping lightly on the fallen ground,
I walk towards the edge of the sky.
My eyes fixed on the light,
Shinning on the other side,
Calling my name …

With every step,
I leave behind a world not worth living in.
With every step, I walk away,
Away from the burning trees,
Away from the eclipsed sun,
Away from the dying stars,
Away from the whirling thoughts.

The light is calling me,
To hold my hand,
and take me to the land,
Where our universe is not divided by tiny lines on the maps
A place, where only colors that matter, are rosy
Where only language spoken is music
A place, where orchids still bloom and rivers flow
Behind the curtain of thick clouds

A place, where,
on a lazy summer afternoon,
I will run my fingers through the grass,
And let the butterfly whisper to me.
I will run wild in the sunflower fields,
I will let my hair fly with the wind,
I won't care.

And I know I will find you there!

I will find you there,
Under the shade of a lonely tree,
Dressed in your grey tee and rugged jeans,
Reading a book, lost in the pages,
too busy to say a word,
but free, to hear them all
I will find you there…
But I won't talk,
I will just lay in your lap
While you read
I will stare at you.
I will smile again,
But my smile won’t send waves of pain in my heart
If I laugh, I won't fear
My laughter won’t be silenced by the stroke of reality.

And when the sun will set to rest,
we will chase the lighting bugs,
We will play,
And the trees will play with us,  
Like we are five again!
There won't be any one around to tell us what to do and don’t.
There won't be any one there to define the right or wrong.
There won’t be any odds, no worldly gods
No one to interfere
We will be free, you and me!
I will meet you there
I will meet you there...

The light is calling my name,
All I have to do is reach for it,
give my hand,
Walk to the other side,
And swollen eyes, broken heart, endless nights,
all will become ‘a thing of past’.

All I have to do is close my eyes, forever,
And memories will be relived, and will last.

I will meet you there,
On the other side, behind the clouds
At the edge of the sky,
Away from the pain and the loss.

I will meet you there…

Sunday, 15 April 2012


I held a handful of dirt in my hands
And poured it on my face
I closed my eyes
I made it rain

Thursday, 12 April 2012

The Traveler

He said there are oceans between us
There are deserts spread wide
He said there are mountains tall as sky
And there are forests thick and wild
He said we are miles apart
The wilderness no man can cross

Standing on the other side
I looked in his eyes
And all the distances disappeared!


I am trapped in a house of mirrors
Where ever I look, I see his face
I tried, I struggled, to find my way out
And I don’t remember how I woke up in this maze
Chambers into chambers leading no where
Walls of mirror stand silent and stare
Doors, carved on the walls but no knobs
No concept of life, or death or gods
All is but one face, every where
All is but one voice I hear
I wonder how long I have been here
I have no track of time or year
I long to see my own face once
But I am his reflection, aren’t I?
I wonder….
Am I real?

Tuesday, 10 April 2012


The stone in my chest grew too heavy to bear
I blazed my dreams and burned the desire to ashes
I thrashed and threw the remains in the swamp
Where the serpents ate it all
I drank the darkness and puffed out the night
I held the sun in my fist and turned the world blind
I set my soul on fire 
I watched it burn and fueled the demon inside

Monday, 2 April 2012

Angel of the Cemetery

My Words,
My blank, meaningless words
Leafless trees of the cemetery
Hopeless Shadows of the dark
Moonless, endless nights,
Sky, deprived of the stars

My Words,
Wallowing widows
Dressed all black
Their tangled hair 
scuffing their faces like claws of the witches
Sobbing tearless,
Moaning the living gone

My Words
These vultures
Drooling fervently,
waiting for the heart to beat its last beat
waiting, to trumpet the end of the misery
End of the breath that started it all

My Words,
These dried oceans of hope
Graves of memories,
Lived in the sonnets
Wrapped in the verses
Buried in the notes

My Words
These sculptures of stoned emotions
Crucified feelings
Hanging on the cross
disgraced, shameless little bastards
Culprits of the soul

My Words
My meaningless, senseless words
echo in the graveyard
ringing in the ears of the dead
my words, 
The only thing said
The only voice heard